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Jakarta, Indonesia
as sweet as ice cream | food, film, and family lovers | love my self so much | my love is your drug

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Nah, Ini dari si pacar :)

Yeay, this is “list about me” from my beloved boy friend J check this!

List of you

There are numberless thing to tell about you, what you are for me. But I’ll make some list to show you, what you are. Here is the list from A to Z about you, my love..:)

A.    Always serious when you study.
B.    Blinding my eyes with your smiles.
C.   Compare with all thing in the world, you’re the diamond.
D.   Drag me to beautiful dream.
E.    Easy change, your mood.
F.    Fragile if someone hurt you.
G.   Good to everyone you know.
H.   Home is when I’m with you, give me comfort.
I.      Influence me to the good side.
J.    Jokes of you sometimes not funny but rather make me little upset.
K.    Keen eyes to every “cow” stuff.
L.    Lovely face that you owned.
M.   Madness of you is really scary, so I tried to not to insult you. :P
N.   Next day with you is something that I always wait.
O.   Only want to give not hope the payback.
P.    Pursued me to pray.
Q.   Queens have less charisma than you.
R.   Rather rigid if you face someone new in your life.
S.    Scolded is what you really hate.
T.    Teacher is your goal.
U.   Unlikely a rude girl personal.
V.    Very best girl I ever had.
W.  Warm everyone with your voice.
X.    Xxx for you bey. :D
Y.    Yudaris Octian is your husband in future (hopefully).
Z.    Zip my mouth is the very best way if you in fire.

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